A number of new and revised literature items are now available. Take advantage of these great items to help grow your Dealership and increase sales.
Available from AMSOIL:
U.S. Wholesale Price List (G3500)
U.S. Retail Program Catalog (G3520)
Can. Retail Program Catalog (G3521)
Commercial Program Catalog (G3798)
Can. Wholesale Price List (G8500)
Available from the AMSOIL Print Center:
AMSOIL Synthetic Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil Data Sheet (G28)
AMSOIL Propylene Glycol Antifreeze & Coolant Data Sheet (G1156)
AMSOIL Diesel Recovery Data Sheet (G2598)
AMSOIL Diesel Injector Clean Data Sheet (G3186)
AMSOIL Diesel Cetane Boost Data Sheet (G3188)
AMSOIL 100% Synthetic DCT Fluid Data Sheet (G3431)
AMSOIL Diesel Cold Flow Data Sheet (G3526)
AMSOIL Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost Data Sheet (G3571)
AMSOIL Commercial-Grade Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil Data Sheet (G3832)