The Hotwire

Dealer Onboarding

The first 90 days are crucial for new AMSOIL Dealers. Our data shows that Dealers who have a good experience early on and make a purchase within the first 90 days are most likely to remain Dealers. That’s why we created the AMSOIL Dealer Onboarding Program.

It’s not just about signing up new Dealers; it’s about setting them up for success. In just the last year, Dealer registrations have risen 24 percent. More new Dealers are also Customer Certified than ever before, meaning they’re already registering customers and receiving the benefit of being assigned purchasing customers from AMSOIL. Getting new Dealers on the right path, right away, has been the key for building successful and lasting businesses.

The Dealer Onboarding Program is designed to kickstart new Dealers’ success and encourage that first product purchase. All new Dealers, whether they are registered or assigned, receive key early touchpoints from AMSOIL. The first three emails are sent during the first week. These emails all have links to the AMSOIL onboarding landing page, where Dealers can access short videos that provide instruction and key AMSOIL resources without being overwhelmed with information.

See the November AMSOIL Magazine for more information.

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