Ea® Air Filters Discontinued, Available While Supplies Last

AMSOIL Ea Air Filters (EAA) are discontinued due to declining sales and other influences from the evolving air-filter market. As...

June 2, 2014
AMSOIL Ea Air Filters (EAA) are discontinued due to declining sales and other influences from the evolving air-filter market. As vehicles have evolved, so have their filtration needs. Past model-years featured many vehicles requiring the same size air filter, allowing filter manufacturers to cover many vehicles with fewer filters. Today’s market, however, features many vehicles with unique filter requirements, necessitating the management of a large and growing number of filters.

The mass shift from do-it-yourself (DIY) to do-it-for-me (DIFM) has also impacted AMSOIL filter sales. AMSOIL Ea Air Filters cannot compete with the low-cost options offered by auto service centers. In addition, it is becoming increasingly more difficult and costly to secure technology that delivers performance advantages. Ea Air Filters are available while supplies last. AMSOIL continues to offer filtration products from WIX, Mann and Donaldson.