Encourage Personal Group Dealers to Subscribe to AMSOIL Hotwire, Update Email Addresses

The AMSOIL Hotwire delivers important information from AMSOIL INC. and is available free-of-charge to all AMSOIL Dealers. Encourage personal group...

July 2, 2012

The AMSOIL Hotwire delivers important information from AMSOIL INC. and is available free-of-charge to all AMSOIL Dealers. Encourage personal group Dealers to subscribe in the Dealer Zone by clicking the Subscribe to the AMSOIL Hotwire link under Business Tools > Literature > Publications.
As an increasing quantity of communications have moved to an electronic format, it is important AMSOIL has up-to-date email addresses for all AMSOIL Dealers. To update your email address, click the My Account link located on the left side of the Dealer Zone homepage.